Tipps and Hints for Earthrounders
Airport | RTW-Info |
Following reports are given during preparation of the RTW: | |
VIJP Jaipur,India | Already during preparation of the RTW I must tell you that India really is one of the most expensive places for GA.In 2006 we paid 190 US$ for airport charges, 300 US$ for handling and 200 US$ for supervision - total 690 US$, a lot of money! The actual quotations now are asking for a total of 1.400 US$ !! That really is not very inviting. |
YBRM Broome, Australia | To fly to Australia needs quite some preparation for Customs clearance. In fact you have to actually import your aircraft and therefore must register as a customs client and submit different forms incl. a security undertaking for duty to be paid if your aircraft is not exported again after a given time. Contact the Australian CBP early enough, they are very professional and helpful.If you plan a flight to Australia, just contact me, I will email all documents to you. |
SBFI Cataratas, Brazil | All civil aviation in Brazil is contolled by the Military but they have set up an Internet System for Flight Permissions which seems to be quite effective (AVANAC) http://www2.anac.gov.br/portal/cgi/cgilua.exe/sys/start.htm?sid=390.We will report how it works after landing there. |
Following reports are given directly from the RTW: | |
HESH Sharm el Sheik, Egypt | Big Tourist Airport, handling is mandatory. FSI made prior arrangement with price of US$ 420 incl all airport fees and supervision with IAB. When IAB presented the invoice they asked for US 520 but accepted US 420 after we showed email confirmation. Make sure you fix the cost in advance. Anyhow very efficient support and friendly people. |
OEGS Gassim, Saudi Arabia | Small airport not mentioned as International by Jeppesen but you get a clearance to land, good for a fuel stop, fees 155 US$ cash, fast turnaround. |
OOMS Muscat, Oman | We thought we can get along here without handlingservice but no chance, it is mandatory and expensive, US$ 470,- plus Ldg + Parking for two days US$ 112. Anyhow - you get efficient and friendly service. Next time I will arrange cost in advance. |
VIJP Jaipur,India | We where parked on the remote apron of the old Jaipur Airport opposite to the new, modern one, so transportation for customs and airport staff to/from our aircraft took its time. The whole procedure between landing and arrival hall took 1.5 hours and for departure including customs, security, and immigration and refuelling we needed 3 hours! Cost where lower than expected, we did not take supervision and Thai Indo Aviation charged 422 US$ for a friendly and helpful (mandatory) handling. Airport charges for Ldg, Pkg, NAV was 130 US$ plus some necessary “helpful tips” |
VYBG Bagan, Myanmar | Nice little airport, uncomplicated, domestic only but customs is available for international arrival. Do not accept Handling Charges as there is no service given nor needed. We finally agreed on US$ 50 – just for face saving purpose. Ldg, Pkg and NAV fees where 194 US$ in total, payable to the airport manager who’s office is on the right end of the small DEP/ARR- Hall. |
VYYY Yangon, Myanmar | Busy Airport, we had to wait nearly two hours for fuel after arrival. Handling by Airport Operator mandatory – nice and helpful people -but do not take additional supervision service by agents, they charge too much. We paid 363 US$ for Hdlg, 179 US$ for Ldg, Pkg and NAV plus 24US$ for CrewBus. |
VDSR Siem Reap, Cambodia | Siem Reap is a pretty small and new airport, not complicated but extremely expensive. Different companies seem to have taken over governmental functions and use this to charge very high fees. It is not possible to get a Landing Permit directly from the CAA – you have to use an agent. Our agent (Camb.Helicopters) charged us 250 US$ just for applying for the permit. Then you have to pay a special “Royalty” to use the airport – another 250 US$. For NAV you pay 127,60 (including 10% surcharge for weekend) and finally 252 US$ for Landing, Parking and Handling – which includes a 80 US$ Charge for the crew bus transporting you about 150 m from your aircraft to the arrival hall. In Total: US$ 880 that is just unbelievable. |
WSSL Seletar, Singapore | Seletar is the GA Airport of Singapore, very fast and convenient.You just should order a taxi before, otherwise the waitingtime might be long. Yeow Meng’s Wings Over Asia Aero Club gave us a perfect support. On Members Fees basis (for earthrounders) we paid 140 S$ equals 120 US$ for their Handling and 172 S$ equals 140 US$ for Ldg and Pkg. What a difference to the airports we visited before. |
WADD Denpasar, Bali Indonesia | I was quite happy to manage to avoid handling after landing to avoid cost of 300 to 500 US$ . A guy from the airport asked the yellow car to bring me to the far away arrival gate. There I went through immigration buying a tourist visa which turned out to cause a problem at departure later. The immigration people on departure told me I should have taken a crew visa and we had a two hours delay discussing. Finally they agreed that the immigration officer on arrival should not have given a tourist visa to pilot in uniform with crew card and let us go…..We paid 270 US$ for Ldg, 6 days Pkg an NAV. |
YBRM Broome, Australia | I had prepared all the documents and import declaration early enough, had sent them to customs some days before arrival and had informed Immigration and AQIS one day before by phone. Be sure to arrive before 16:15 loc time to avoid extra charges. Arriving at Broome the whole procedure was quick and easy, we had sprayed the cabin before descent and could show the empty can to the customs people (who also commenced the job for AQIS). After 15 minutes we where out of the back fence gate being picked up by our friend Andrew- What a difference to Asia. Fees unknown, they will be invoiced later. |
YAYE Ayers Rock, Australia | Easy little airport, you must request landing permission latest 24h before and give your Credit Card Number for fees (approx 95 Aus$). No Rent a car available after 16:00 local time. If you arrive later – arrange pickup by your hotel before arrival. Fuel only between 8:30 and 16:00 loc time. Do not forget to cancel SARwatch after landing! |
AUSTRALIA | I will not give reports about all the airports we landed in Australia. After you have managed to get in with all the forms and customs regulations it really is a great fun to fly in this country. It’s easy, it’s free and airport charges are very reasonable – compared to Europe and especially Asia. On most of the airports you even do not pay directly – you get an invoice later, so that safes a lot of time, you just walk in, start your engine and off you go. |
NVVV Port Vila, Vanuatu | After having enjoyed the easy flying in Australia, here comes a more expensive part again. Use your disinsectionspray before landing – Quarantine will ask you – or at least show your empty spray can. We paid: For Immigration 130 US$, Quarantine 65 US$, Ldg +NAV +2Pax +Security 130US$ plus Handling (negotiated) 200 US$ - Total 525 US$. When I asked the handler why they charge so much on this small airport, he said: “our fees are very reasonable, in Fiji you spend around 3.000 $” …Actually that was the reason why we did not choose Fiji for a stop. |
NSFA Faleolo, Western Samoa | The only officer who came to our aircraft was Quarantine – we had of course sprayed disinsection before and showed him our empty can. Although we had a permit to land at NFSA nobody knew that we would come. A handling agent offered his service but when he asked for US$ 250 we denied. Going through Immigration and Customs by ourselves was easy but we had to knock on all doors to find the officers on duty – this is a very small airport with only a few flights a day. Same procedure at the departure early morning 8:00 o’clock – but all people were very friendly and helpful. So we got through without handler and only paid US$ 86 for Lag + Pkg. Nice Experience in Samoa. |
NCRG Rarotonga and NCAI Aitutaki, Cook Islands | As before, Quarantine asked for disinsection and we showed our can. A very friendly Customs officer helped us to fill out the forms and guided us through along the 200 tourists who just arrived from New Zealand. To get the clearance to fly to NCAI Aitutaki I went up to ATC on the tower – very open and helpful he explained the procedures including HF Communication for the flight to the island and back to Rarotonga. Aitutaki is operated by Air Rarotonga and you need a permission from them to land and park there – which obviously is not a problem as there is parking space enough on the old coral-landing strip built in WW2.WE paid 46US$ for Customs, 46US$ Pax Fee per Person and in total 188 US$ for three Landings and four nights Parking at Rarotonga and Aitutaki.No Handler. |
NTTA, Tahiti Faaa | You better take handling services here and I recommend Air Tahiti, it is quite expensive but the person in charge, Ulric Allard, is helping you in a very nice and professional way.Anyhow, we had to paid US$ 450,- for airport fees and handling. |
NTTG, Rangiroa | This little airport on the biggest atoll of French Polynesia is managed by Air Tahiti, you need their permission and their handling service although nothing is to be handled. JetA1 is available. We paid US$ 350,- for airport fees and handling. |
NTGJ, Totegegie | This little airport is located on a motu (coral reef island) 40 min by boat to Rikitea on the main island Mangareva. Airport staff is only present when Air Tahiti flies in, which happens two times weekly only. During other times there is nobody on the airport. If you want to land or depart outside these times, you have to pay the transportation cost of the whole staff to/from the island, which is 27.500 XPF each. Anyhow, special permission is needed because this is not a port of entry and speaking French for radio communication is officially requested. JetA1 is available, but you have to buy it by the barrel, 200 litres each. We paid US$ 600,- for airport fees, handling and one staff transportation. A second transportation would have been another 300 US$ but we arrived when an Air Tahiti plane had just landed so the staff was there already. |
SCIP, Easter Island | FSI requested permit and slot, which is necessary because Point of Safe Return regulations for LAN Chile –they do not have an alternate for this remote island! Handling (offered by the fuel supplier Edmunds) is not necessary and too expensive. Customs came to our aircraft (24 h PNR!) and documents where finished quickly, Agriculture checked and where satisfied when we showed the used disinsection can “Top of Descent” and Immigration waited already in the arrival hall. Payment for landing etc in the small building in front of the airport was only US$ 35 which is a flat rate for using all airports in Chile for the next 30 days – welcome in a very GA-friendly country!! |
SCEL Santiago, Chile | On this large international airport it is easy to get through without a handling agent. As customs and immigration was done already at SCIP, only the Agriculture people came to the aircraft for a check. The Follow me gave us a ride to the exit, explained the procedures and where to go for departure and let us out … On departure we passed the normal Immigration Counter and took a stamped Outward-GD with us for the next destination. At gate 16 the Follow me picked us up, brought us to “Operations” for FPL, briefing and payments and than to our aircraft. What a service! Payment? Only 28 US$ for two Pax – all other fees where included in the 30 day-visitor-fee of 35 US$ we paid in Easter Island as a lumpsum, valid for all Chile Airports! |
SAME Mendoza, Argentina | Nice little airport of entry, very friendly and helpful staff English speaking. You do not need handling service, Customs 24h PNR charges US$ 50,- for travelling from city to the airport and Crewbus is US$ 58.- for two rides. Airport fees for Ldg + Pkg US$ 20,- only. |
SADF, San Fernando, Argentina | This is the General Aviation Airport of Buenos Aires, Jeppesen says “non English” but that is not true, ATC and AIS speak English very well and all people are very friendly and helpful. There is customs and immigration as well, so you can use it as a port of entry. For our aircraft below 2 tons we did not even had to pay any fee – we just refuelled and went off again. |
SARI, Iguazu, Argentina | This airport is very close to the area where a lot of drug smuggling is going on. So for us it was the first time experience that a drug dog was sent into the cabin to sniff around. All other procedures where done quickly and with a friendly support by the airport staff. No handling service needed, we paid 95 US$ for airport fees etc in total. |
SBFI, Foz de Iguazu,Brazil | This is a much bigger airport than that one on the Argentina side, anyhow you do not need handling service, the people are very friendly and helpful and you will find someone who speaks English. First we went to Customs (24 h avlb) to get our temporary flying permit for Brazil “TEAT” – based on our previous application via Internet, for which we had to send copies of all documents, licenses etc (AVANAC). Carrying five GDs with us we than had to go to Security and Immigration and finally to AIS to file the next FPL and to pay the fees. Filing the plan took a bit too long, all AIS and ATC in Brazil is managed by the military…. For this technical stop of two hours we paid totally 190 US$ incl fees for two Pax. |
SBCG, Campo Grande,Brazil | Small international airport, very easy, no handling service. AIS and ATC speak English. We paid US$ 200,- for airport fees and NAV including Parking for one night. |
SBFZ, Fortaleza, Brazil | We choose this airport as it is the nearest to GVNP Praia but it may be that SBNT Natal would have been the better choice. The main terminal is on the north and the GA Ramp is on the south side of the runway. For Customs and Immigration you have to drive to the other side,that takes time and is expensive. We paid US$ 575,- for all fees incl. NAV, two Pax and two nights parking. |
GVNP, Praia, Cabo Verde | This is the nearest Airport coming from Brazil and very convenient. Fast service, helpful staff, no handling needed. We paid 63,-€ = 83,-US$ for all airport fees incl one night parking. |
GCLP, La Palma, Cap Verde | Very good airport for a stop over night, near to town, quick and easy and no handling needed. We had to pay only 20,-€ = 25,- US$ for Ldg, Pkg and NAV. |